We compute and track a very large number of indicators which are classified here based on their typical purpose, source or method of calculation.
Standard indicators include, but are not limited to, traditional technical indicators, such as moving averages. Almost all standard indicators are calculated directly using the price and/or volume of the asset.
Breadth indicators are extremely useful when studying broader market conditions, which often have an impact on individual stocks. Typically, breadth studies are based on stocks that are members of an index or industry sector. For example, one frequently referenced type of breadth indicator is the percentage of stock index components trading above their moving averages, which can be helpful in assessing the current state of the index and what it might do next.
Put/Call ratios are commonly used as sentiment indicators that measure investor activity in the options market. The ratios are calculated by dividing the number of traded put options by the number of traded call options for an asset or market. They are seen as contrarian indicators, so when a ratio is relatively high, meaning there is more interest in puts relative to calls because of an expectation of market declines, frequently the market rises instead.
The CBOE publishes a number of put/call ratios that are widely used as important measures of sentiment. The most popular of those ratios are available here in their raw form and with applied subindicators.
Volatility indicators are based on volatility indexes which are measures of expected market volatility and are derived from the implied volatility values of the options on a particular market. One widely followed volatility index is the VIX, which is based on the expected volatility of the S&P 500 index, and is generally used as a contrarian sentiment indicator. The most popular volatility indexes are available here in their raw form and with applied subindicators.
Intermarket indicators are standard indicators, as described above, but are calculated for assets other than the main asset of interest. This can help with the discovery of notable correlations between assets, which can be studied objectively with backtesting.
Financial indicators are derived from the financial performance of a company over time, such as dividends.